Advanced Fitness Coaching (Monthly)
Each week, you’ll be coached you through a new at home training video that will help increase your mobility, flexibility and strength.
As you become more flexible, the workouts will become more challenging to help boost your metabolism and help you lose weight or develop lean muscle if you desire.
Each training day will be exercises that you can do at home with little to no equipment.
You’ll also be able to use our unique body fat calculator which will help you identify how many calories you should be consuming on a daily basis.
Get ready. Your new life awaits.
Terms & Conditions
By joining the Advanced Coaching Group, I am stating that I have read and I fully understand that I will be enrolled and given full access to the Advanced Coaching Group for 30 days. Furthermore, I'm fully aware that after 30 days of my initial Advanced Coaching purchased date, I will continue to receive new fitness videos and training for just $67 dollars a month. I also acknowledge that if I do not want to be charged for the Advanced Coaching Group at anytime, I would simply have to contact support@myonlinefitnesstraining.com by email or phone to cancel. And I acknowledge that if I want to continue receiving the Advanced Coaching Group training materials and have access to the Advanced Coaching Group every 30 days thereafter, I would simply just be charged $67 (every 30 days from the Advanced Coaching Group purchase date or until I decide to cancel by calling or emailing support@myonlinefitnesstraining.com . I understand that the purchase is covered by the MyOnlineFitnessTrainer's 60-day money-back guarantee. I also understand that to request a refund I just have to email MOFT at (support@myonlinefitnesstraining.com )